118th Congress Veteran Bill Tracker

WWP proudly serves as a voice for our nation’s warriors in Washington, D.C., advocating for the issues that matter to them most. Using the data collected from our Annual Warrior Survey and feedback from warriors, and by talking with members of Congress, we push for veteran policies and initiatives that can make a real difference in the lives of millions of warriors, family members, and caregivers. We directly represent WWP’s 225,000 registered post-9/11 warriors and their families, and on broader issues, as many as 20 million of our nation’s veterans from all generations.

Veteran Omnibus Legislation

The Senator Elizabeth Dole 21st Century Veterans Healthcare and Benefits Improvement Act

Financial Security

The Major Richard Star Act

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The Wounded Warrior Access Act


The VET-TEC Authorization Act


The Military Spouse Hiring Act


The Drive Act

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Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

The Not Just a Number Act


The Mental Health Professionals Workforce Shortage Loan Repayment Act


Women Veterans

The Servicemembers and Veterans Empowerment and Support Act


The Maternal Health for Veterans Act


Veterans in STEM Expansion Act


Toxic Exposure

The Veterans Exposed to Toxic (VET) PFAS Act

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Brain Health

The Innovative Cognitive Care for Veterans Act



The Elizabeth Dole Home Care Act


The Veterans Caregiver Application and Appeals Reform (CARE) Act


Enhanced Quality of Life

The Autonomy for Disabled Veterans Act

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The Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act


Department Of Veterans Affairs Workforce & Modernization